PayTraq Billing API

Current Version: v1.5
Last Updated: 20 Sep, 2023


The PayTraq Billing API is a web service that is available over HTTPS by using the following endpoint:

This API can be used by a custom billing solution purposely for bulk invoice generation.
All invoice data is collected externally and provided in the generation request.
For other use cases please look at our generic API.

Getting Started

To getting started primary user needs to obtain new API credentials for a company profile. API credentials consisted of API Key/Token pair should be used in every API call for authentication and authorization purposes.

APIKey and APIToken should be added either as the query string params or as the headers of the request.

Existing API credentials can be regenerated at any time that will prevent API access by using the previous Key/Token pair. API Access can be blocked at any time by deleting current active credentials.

The transmission of all API requests and responses needs to be made over HTTPS.
All POST requests should be made in JSON format with "Content-Type: application/json" header.
All success responses are also given in JSON format.


curl -v -X GET{APICall}?APIToken={APIToken}&APIKey={APIKey}
curl -v{APICall}?APIToken={APIToken}&APIKey={APIKey} \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d "{RequestBody}"

curl -v -X GET{APICall} \
-H "APIToken:{APIToken}" \
-H "APIKey:{APIKey}"

curl -v{APICall} \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "APIToken:{APIToken}" \
-H "APIKey:{APIKey}" \
-d "{RequestBody}"

List of Return Codes and Statuses

Code Status Definition
200 OK The request has succeeded.
400 Bad Request The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax, invalid values or validation issues.
401 Unauthorized API credentials have not been provided or company license key is not valid.
403 Forbidden Request is not permitted and has been forbidden by the server due to incorrect data, validation issues or authorization failure.
404 Not Found The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.
429 Too Many Requests The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
501 Not Implemented The method called has not been implemented yet.
503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unable to handle the request due to maintenance of the server. This is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay.

API Convensions

  • Decimal values should be passed with dot separator e.g. 10.90
  • Dates should be passed in the following format YYYY-MM-DD e.g. 2014-01-30
  • Boolean values should be false or true, 0 or 1 is not permitted.

API Calls

Starting of Billing Process for Invoice Generation


POST /api/billing/run


"billing": {
  "webhook_url": _webhook_url,
  "period": _period,
  "invoice_date": _invoice_date,
  "tax_inclusive": _tax_inclusive,
  "invoices": [
    "client": {
      "client_correlation_id": _client_correlation_id,
      "client_id": _client_id,
      "client_name": _client_name,
      "client_email": _client_email,
      "client_phone": _client_phone,
      "client_details": _client_details,
      "client_reg_number": _client_reg_number,
      "client_vat_number": _client_vat_number,
      "client_contract": _client_contract,
      "is_company": _is_company,
      "send_to": _is_send_to,
      "billing_address": {
        "address": _address,
        "zip": _zip, 
        "country_code": _country_code
     "invoice_correlation_id": _invoice_correlation_id,
     "custom_data": [
        "field_name": _field_name,
        "field_value": _field_value
      "comment": _comment,
      "items": [
         "item_code": _item_code,
         "item_name": _item_name,
         "item_qty": _item_qty,
         "item_uom": _item_uom,
         "item_price": _item_price,
         "item_tax_rate": _item_tax_rate,
         "item_tax_name": _item_tax_name,
         "item_discount": _item_discount,
         "item_description": _item_description,
         "item_account_code": _item_account_code,
         "item_period": _item_period
      "payment": {
         "money_account_id": _money_account_id,
         "date_paid": _date_paid
      "footer": _footer

Based on this request, synchronisation of clients, services and units of measurement occurs, as well as generation and distribution of invoices.

Tag Description
webhook_url URL to which a notification about the end of the generation process will be sent (Optional)
period Billing period (Optional)
1 - current month
2 - previous month
3 - next month
invoice_date Invoice date, if not specified, then the current one. Format - YYYY-MM-DD
tax_inclusive Boolean value (true or false). If true then unit prices are tax inclusive. Default is true.
invoice_correlation_id Invoice ID from external system. Can be used for data mapping on the client's side (Optional).
custom_data Custom fields, if a field name is not found, then it will created (Optional)
comment Comment added to the invoice (Optional)
footer Html footer in base64 encoding. It will be added to the end of the PDF invoice. May contain any additional information. If provided, the default header and footer are not used (Optional)

Depending on the presence of certain fields, the search for a client occurs in the following order:
An existing client is searched by ID
An existing client is searched by correlation ID
An existing client is searched by registration number
An existing client is searched by name and email (for legal entities by name only)
If a client is not found, it will be created. If an external ID is provided, a mapping is created for subsequent search. If a client is found, then all provided data is updated.
Client type will be set as Corporate if either is_company = true or client_vat_number is provided.
client_correlation_id Client ID from external system (Optional)
client_id Client ID in PayTraq (Optional)
client_name Client name
client_email Client e-mail (Optional)
client_phone Client phone (Optional)
client_details Additional information included in the client billing details (Optional)
client_reg_number Client registration number (Optional)
client_vat_number Client VAT number (Optional)
client_contract Client contract/agreement number. Can be part of the invoice nummber (Optional)
is_company Boolean value (true or false) (Optional)
send_to Boolean value (true or false) (Optional)
The invoice will be sent by email only if there is an e-mail address available for a client and the field send_to = true is passed
country_code 2-letter ISO country code (Optional)

The search for a service is carried out first by code (item_code), then by name (item_name), if a service is not found, then it will be created. By default the "Selling Services" operation type is used. Operation type which will be used in Billing API can be changed to "Other Income" upon request to customer support.
item_uom Unit of measurement, if it is not found, then it will be created (Optional)
item_qty Unit quantity
item_price Unit price
item_discount Discount as a percentage (Optional)
item_description Line comment (Optional)
item_tax_rate Tax rate as a percentage. If not specified, the default value is selected. If 0, then the tax key “No VAT” is selected. It is also possible to pass the name of the existed tax key (item_tax_name) instead of a tax rate (Optional)
item_account_code GL account number, if not specified, the default value is selected (Optional)
item_period Similar to period, but for a specific line item (Optional)
Payment data is optional, if it is provided then the invoice payment will be created
money_account_id Unique system identifier for money account in Paytraq. See Get Bank Accounts and Get Cash Accounts requests from generic API.
date_paid Date of payment. Format - YYYY-MM-DD

If there are no errors in the request, the response code will be 200 OK.


  "run_id": _run_id,
  "status": "done",
  "created_at": _created_at


  "run_id": _run_id,
  "status": _status,
  "created_at": _created_at,
  "completed_at": _completed_at

Tag Description
run_id Billing process ID
status Process status:
  • running - Billing process is running
  • done - Billing process is completed

Minimum set of fields for request

  "billing": {
    "invoices": [
      "client": {
        "client_name": _client_name
      "items": [
        "item_name": _item_name,
        "item_qty": _item_qty,
        "item_price": _item_price,

Checking Billing Process Status and Getting Generation Results


GET api/billing/{run_id}
Tag Description
run_id Billing process ID


If the billing process is not yet completed:

  "run_id": _run_id,
  "status": _status,
  "created_at": _created_at

If the billing process is completed:


  "run_id": _run_id,
  "status": _status,
  "created_at": _created_at,
  "completed_at": _completed_at,
  "period_from": _period_from,
  "period_till": _period_till,
  "invoices": [
    "client_correlation_id": _client_correlation_id,
    "invoice_correlation_id": _invoice_correlation_id,
    "client_id": _client_id,
    "invoice_id": _doc_id,
    "invoice_ref": _doc_ref,
    "invoice_date": _doc_date,
    "due_date": _due_date,
    "total": _total,
    "due": _due,
    "currency": _currency,
    "status": _status,
    "is_sent": _is_sent,
    "pdf_link": _pdf_link,
    "invoice_link": _invoice_link,
    "created_at": _created_at, 
    "updated_at": _updated_at

Tag Description
invoice_id Invoice ID in Paytraq
invoice_ref Invoice Number in PayTraq
invoice_date Invoice Date
due_date Invoice Due Date
total Invoice Total Amount
due Invoice Due Amount
status Invoice Status
“draft” - Draft
”wait_approve” - Waiting for Approval
”wait_payment” - Waiting for Payment
”part_paid” - Partially Paid
”paid” - Paid
”voided” - Voided/Canceled
pdf_link URL to get PDF invoice
invoice_link Invoice Online Link
is_sent Status of delivery (true/false)

You cannot start a new billing process for the same company until the previous one is completed. In this case, the POST /api/billing/run request will return error 429 Too Many Requests


Starting of billing process request example

  "billing": {
   "period_id": "2",
   "invoice_date": "2021-04-01",
   "webhook_url": "",
   "invoices": [
      "client": { 
           "client_correlation_id": "1",
           "client_name": "Milana Rush",
           "client_email": ""
        "invoice_correlation_id": "1", 
        "items": [
            "item_name": "Management services",
            "item_qty": "1",
            "item_uom": "pcs.",
            "item_price": "5.23"
            "item_name": "Management fee",
            "item_qty": "1",
            "item_uom": "pcs.",
            "item_price": "10.80"
            "item_name": "Street lighting D2",
            "item_qty": "1",
            "item_uom": "pcs.",
            "item_price": "2.28"
            "item_name": "Savings fund",
            "item_qty": "1",
            "item_uom": "pcs.",
            "item_tax_rate": "0",
            "item_price": "9.25"
            "item_name": "Cold water and sewage",
            "item_qty": "15",
            "item_uom": "m3",
            "item_price": "1.50"
            "item_name": "Road maintenance fund",
            "item_qty": "1",
            "item_uom": "pcs.",
            "item_tax_rate": "0",
            "item_price": "5"
        "client": { 
           "client_name": "Mateo Leverenz"
        "items": [
            "item_name": "Management services",
            "item_qty": "1",
            "item_uom": "pcs.",
            "item_price": "5.23"
            "item_name": "Management fee",
            "item_qty": "1",
            "item_uom": "pcs.",
            "item_price": "10.80"
            "item_name": "Savings fund",
            "item_qty": "1",
            "item_uom": "pcs.",
            "item_tax_rate": "0",
            "item_price": "9.25"
            "item_name": "Cold water and sewage",
            "item_qty": "10",
            "item_uom": "m3",
            "item_price": "1.50"
            "item_name": "Other services",
            "item_qty": "1",
            "item_price": "2.50"

Getting generation results response example

    "run_id": "1318",
    "status": "done",
    "created_at": "2021-04-07 22:27:46",
    "completed_at": "2021-04-07 22:27:57",
    "period_from": "2021-03-01",
    "period_till": "2021-03-31",
    "invoices": [
            "due": "55.06",
            "invoice_link": "***",
            "invoice_ref": "0421/00001",
            "pdf_link": "***",
            "updated": "2021-04-07 22:27:52",
            "status": "wait_payment",
            "is_sent": true,
            "invoice_date": "2021-04-07",
            "created": "2021-04-07 22:27:52",
            "total": "55.06",
            "client_id": "7969",
            "due_date": "2021-05-07",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "invoice_correlation_id": "1",
            "invoice_id": "6272",
            "client_correlation_id": "1"
            "due": "42.78",
            "invoice_link": "***",
            "invoice_ref": "0421/00002",
            "pdf_link": "***",
            "updated": "2021-04-07 22:27:57",
            "status": "wait_payment",
            "is_sent": false,
            "invoice_date": "2021-04-07",
            "created": "2021-04-07 22:27:57",
            "total": "42.78",
            "client_id": "7970",
            "due_date": "2021-05-07",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "invoice_correlation_id": "",
            "invoice_id": "6273",
            "client_correlation_id": ""

